SJB teacher on the world stage for karate

SJB teacher on the world stage for karate
Posted on 11/08/2023
Andrew Cabilan posing with medals

Math teacher by day, world karate champion by night.

Last month, Andrew Cabilan, teacher at St. Jean de Brébeuf Catholic Secondary School, competed at the World Karate Union World Championships in Calgary, Alberta where he took home three gold medals and a bronze medal in the Traditional Forms categories. He also made the distinction of being the only adult male Canadian to win gold medals in Forms during the competition.

With these podium placements, Cabilan gains automatic entry into next year's World Championships in Rhodes, Greece.

“I started Karate when I was 12 years old after watching the original ‘Karate Kid’ and caught the competitive bug after my first competition at the CANUSA Games,” said Cabilan.

“What drew me most to competition was the challenge of competing itself and it motivated me to set goals - both for competition and in life. I also enjoy the comradery and friendships that I get when going to these competitions - many of my lifelong relationships are with people that I have met through these competitions.”

“Karate is a great art because it teaches discipline, confidence and self-control - all things that you need to be successful in school or at work.”

Over the years, Cabilan has competed at several World Championships in different organizations and has won over 100 medals.

But while he is a seasoned competitor, Cabilan admits that it can still be stressful, which is why he says preparation for any event is a delicate balance between teaching, extracurriculars and his training regimen.

“I'm very excited to go to Greece as I have never attended a competition in that country. As always, I am looking forward to the thrill of competition, going against new competitors from different countries and experiencing the sights that Greece has to offer.”

In addition to being a World Champion, Cabilan is also the Canadian Champion in Veteran and Executive Forms, #1 Veteran Forms Competitor in NASKA (North American Sport Karate Association) and the Michigan State Champion for the Veterans Forms category.

Andrew Cabilan posing with medalsAndrew Cabilan on World stage with competitors